Today is Day 6 of HAWMC and it is poetry day. Haiku.
you know ~ 5syllables/7syllables/5syllables
i used to write poetry when i was young, but Haiku was not my style. my daughters once found
some of my poems, written when i was about 16 or so. they found them hysterical!! i admit, they were the ramblings of a young girl in love (or hate or whatever the emotion of the moment was!).
one was actually about my dead fish. i went to a Beatlemania concert with my then boyfriend (now husband) and came home to find the fish on the floor. he apparently jumped out of the bowl, landed on the air duct/heater, and i think the air conditioning froze him to death. of course hours out of water probably didn't help either. poor Socrates.
anyway, i will try my hand at haiku.
sleep, poke, read, pump, eat
poke, read, pump, eat, again and again
will it ever end?
diabetes is
a never ending battle
consuming my day
hope is what i have
today, i will live today
with hope for a cure
i sit at the park
counting carbs for the pigeons
what is wrong with me?
"can you eat that pie?"
and i ask "why? is it bad?
is it poisonous?"
and there you have shot at Haiku.
Wonderful!! I love that you counted carbs for the birds. :)