Friday, November 04, 2011

this thing called blogging

so blogging.   not something i ever considered doing.  and yet its something i do.

when thinking about my post for the day, i usually start with the title.  it's the first thing i type.
somewhere in my mind there might be an idea for a picture lurking.
pictures are usually the last thing i decide on, except in this case, where that came right after the title.

i mostly just start talking, and see where it goes from there.  although, there have been times when i actually did some research and wrote things down on a piece of paper in point form.
as for the proofreading, that kinda happens as i go.  i rarely use spell check.  i just double check everything.   right now i am typing with one hand (see here for the reason), so the error rate has increased drastically!  i must be extra diligent! 

once my post is finished, i usually hit "preview" and see how it looks.  at this point i read the whole thing through and decide if it reads okay.  sometimes things get changed.  occasionally i feel a picture is needed.  back i go and i add or edit.  i preview again.

then i hit "publish post".  then i hit "view blog" to see what others see.  and that's it.  i just started the twitter thing and don't really have a clue how that works, so i didn't know i could add it to that.  nor did i think of adding it to my facebook.  seems there is lots to learn about this social media thing!

(oh and you may have noticed, i am not a fan of CAPITALS! LOL!!)

This post was written as part of NHBPM – 30 health posts in 30 days:

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